Big Star Copywriting

In any solid B2B content marketing strategy, your blog sits centre stage. B2B blogs can be an incredibly effective tool for driving engagement, generating leads, and building authority in any industry. With the right content strategy, a well-written blog can educate prospects, address their pain points, and move them along the good ol’ buyer’s journey. But coming up with fresh, compelling ideas for your blog can sometimes feel daunting. To help you out, we’ve compiled 50 B2B blog post ideas designed to inspire your next blog post and give you some creative inspiration to hit the ground running. 

The Effectiveness of Blog Content for B2B Brands

Blog writing shouldn’t be used as a creative outlet for brands to dip into when times are quiet. It also shouldn’t be reserved for company news and recounts of your staff Christmas party. All brands can and should make the most of blogging because long-form content is king. According to Backlinko, content ranking on page 1 of Google has 1447 words, on average. While creating content of this length and depth is a real investment of time, the payout can be invaluable. Here’s why:

  1. Establish your authority: Regularly publishing high-quality content allows B2B companies to demonstrate their expertise, helping you stand out as thought leaders in your industry. By addressing industry trends, solving common problems, and offering unique insights, businesses can position themselves as trusted voices in the field.
  2. Build relationships: B2B purchases are often complex, with a long sales cycle; decision-makers tend to invest time in research. A blog helps nurture potential clients by providing valuable information over time, gradually building trust and, therefore, good relationships with users in your marketing funnel. 
  3. SEO and lead generation: A consistent blog strategy helps improve search engine rankings. Companies can attract organic traffic and generate qualified leads by creating relevant, keyword-optimised content – but more on this later.
  4. Educates and informs: B2B blogs are excellent resources for educating potential clients. Whether they discuss new regulations, innovative technology, or complex processes, these posts provide essential knowledge that can influence purchasing decisions. Answer your customers’ real-life FAQs with in-depth blog posts. You can then refer new leads or existing clients to these posts if they ask the same question – your sales team will thank you!

Now that we understand the benefits of B2B blogging let’s get into why you are here: blog post ideas for B2B brands.

50 of the Best B2B Blog Topic Ideas

Here’s our comprehensive list of B2B blog content ideas to get you out of a creative rut or, if you’re starting from scratch, give you a pretty good foundation to grow from:

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1. Industry Expert Interview

Interview a prominent figure in your industry. Ask for their insights on trends, predictions, and advice. An interview format can provide valuable content while also making the most of the expert’s authority to increase credibility – and an extra 10 points to you if you can establish a high-value backlink to your site. 

2. Client Success Story

Showcase how one of your clients achieved success using your product or service. Include tangible results, data points, and the client’s perspective on the collaboration. To see how to write a case study well, look at this one we wrote with Ibexa.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Look

Offer a behind-the-scenes look at how your company operates. From R&D to quality control, give your readers a peek into the process. Not only does this help humanise your otherwise pretty corporate brand, but NielsenIQ reports that 72% of consumers appreciate transparency. 

4. Thought Leadership on Industry Developments

Write a thought piece on major shifts in your industry, such as new technology, regulations, or trends. This type of post positions you as an authoritative voice on critical industry matters while (when written reactively) targeting high-traffic search terms likely to attract more traffic to your site. 

Content marketing in chaos? We can bring clarity with great words

5. How-To Guides 

Create in-depth, step-by-step guides on technical aspects of your business or services. These evergreen posts help both current and potential clients solve specific problems. Once written, as the content type suggests, these blogs will continue to work for you. While you may need to update these blog posts annually, they’re an initial investment that works for long-term gain. 

6. List of Best Practices

Provide a detailed list of best practices in your industry or field. Focus on operational efficiency, marketing tactics, or customer retention strategies that offer your users critical takeaways they can implement into their business efficiently. 

7. Trends to Watch

Predict future industry trends. Back up your predictions with research, data, and expert opinions. Readers will appreciate your forward-thinking approach, and if a trend comes to fruition, there’s an opportunity for a pretty great “I told you so” sequel.

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8. Case Studies

Dive deep into a specific case study that highlights your company’s problem-solving abilities. Show your audience how you approach challenges and offer innovative solutions. You can do this through interviews with your team and customers and by gathering feedback from any external provider you may work with. Be sure to gather solid evidence: copy backed up by data or statistics is a golden ticket to more convincing and credible writing. 

9. Industry Statistics and Analysis

Share interesting statistics and analyse their implications for businesses in your industry. Numbers often lend credibility and give readers actionable insights. Need inspiration? Read this blog of 180+ marketing statistics for 2024

10. FAQ Post

Create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) post that answers common questions about your products, services, or industry. These posts are practical, highly shareable, and a great resource to have on hand when your inbox is flooded with similar queries day in and day out. 

11. White Paper Summary

Have you recently published a white paper? Summarise key takeaways in a blog post and invite readers to download the full version. Bonus points if you can capture data in some sort of lead form before they’re able to hit ‘download’. 

12. Company Milestone

Celebrate a company milestone, such as a major anniversary, award, or achievement. It adds a human element and shows your business’s progress over time. People buy from people – that is still just as true in the B2B world. So, when 75% of paying customers are happy to pay more to buy from a brand they believe to be genuine, establishing the roots of your company has never been more important. 

13. Sustainability Efforts

Highlight any initiatives your company has undertaken to be more sustainable. This could be through reducing carbon emissions, minimising waste, or promoting responsible sourcing. It may not seem like a B2B blog post topic that’s top of your list, but with 64% of consumers expressing concerns about climate change last year and choosing to make conscious decisions, the people you hope to work with will be looking into your values. 

shows a view of skyscraper buildings

14. Innovative Uses of Your Product

Show unique or unexpected ways your products can be used. By thinking outside the box, you can engage your audience, spark new interest in what you offer and even diversify your service offerings. 

15. Product/Service Comparison

Compare your product or service with that of your competitors. Be fair, but highlight your unique selling propositions (USPs). To avoid any online disputes, we’d avoid naming your competing brands directly – unless you feel steadfast in your bold move – but the ‘well-known provider of X’ usually works just fine. 

16. Leadership Insights

Publish a blog post featuring leadership insights from your CEO or another high-ranking executive. This content can focus on company culture, industry outlooks, or management philosophies. Personal branding in 2024 is more important than ever. 84% of consumers agree; they note that the personal brand of its employees influences a company’s reputation. The people on your team are your biggest cheerleaders, and sharing these exclusive insights gives potential customers a chance to connect with you while opening the door to the first tier of the marketing funnel. 

17. Solutions to Common Industry Problems

Identify common pain points in your industry and offer actionable solutions. These posts help readers understand that your company can solve their biggest challenges while also offering invaluable advice from a team who knows the industry inside out.

18. Seasonal or Timely Content

For this B2B blog topic idea, we recommend creating content that aligns with the time of year or important industry checkpoints. For example, how businesses in your industry should prepare for the upcoming economic year, holidays, or trade shows.

shows a box of Christmas gifts

19. Debunking Myths

Write a blog post that dispels common myths about your industry. For instance, misconceptions about pricing, service quality, or industry standards. For each myth you debunk, we suggest showing how you do it best. 

20. Book Reviews

Share reviews or summaries of popular industry-related books. This can spark thought-provoking discussions and serve as a resource for ongoing professional development. Ask around your team and get each colleague to give their favourite recommendation. Once written, this becomes a fantastic piece of content to share on LinkedIn, too. 

21. The Evolution of Your Industry

Detail how your industry has evolved over the past decade. Look at what has changed, what’s stayed the same, and where things are headed.

22. Tips for Attending Industry Events

Provide practical tips for getting the most out of trade shows, conferences, and other industry events. Cover things like what to prepare ahead of time, a checklist of things you may need to bring, and top tips for preaching the perfect sales pitch. 

Feel like you’re settling for average content? We can change that

23. Regulatory Changes and What They Mean

Discuss any significant regulatory changes and what they mean for your business and your clients. These posts are highly relevant for B2B industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. The key here is to be reactive. Post while it’s a hot topic and reach the right people at the right time. 

24. Customer Testimonials

We all love to see a brand put their money where their mouth is, and this blog post topic does just that. Use customer testimonials to illustrate your company’s positive impact on others. Include direct quotes, images, and any quantifiable results. 

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25. “Day in the Life” Post

Heading back to the importance of humanising your brand, this B2B blog topic idea will help you do this well. Copy the popular social media trend of featuring a day in the life of one of your employees. Highlight different roles within your company, showcasing the diversity of talent and operations. This behind-the-scenes, access-all content piece is great for nosey individuals who want to know who they could be working with. 

26. Common Mistakes to Avoid

If we can avoid making the same mistakes as others, we will. In this blog post, write about the most common mistakes businesses in your industry make and how to avoid them. Keep it real and honest by sharing any first-hand experience with your readers. People love accountability – hold your hands up and say, ‘That didn’t go quite right’ – and it’s a great way to show how you’ve grown as a company.

27. Checklist Post

People love lists, and even more so when they’re interactive. Offer a practical checklist that businesses can follow to achieve success in a particular area, such as product development, sales, or compliance. Keep it simple or go into depth – both approaches can work. For a great starting point, take a look at our checklist for SEO success

28. Upcoming Industry Events

Provide a comprehensive round-up of key upcoming events in your industry, including conferences, trade shows, webinars, and networking opportunities. Detail each event’s dates, locations, and relevance, encouraging your audience to attend. For added value, suggest ways attendees can maximise their experience, such as by preparing questions, scheduling meetings with potential partners, or downloading the event app. If you want to take things one step further, strike valuable partnerships with these events and see if you can bag a good backlink in exchange for including a brand on your list.

29. The Future of Technology

Speculate on the future impact of cutting-edge technologies within your industry. Explore how these advancements could transform business operations, improve efficiency, or unlock new opportunities for growth. On the flip side, you could pinpoint your reservations or fears. Highlight examples of companies already experimenting with these technologies and offer predictions on how their widespread adoption might reshape industry standards – take a look at our AI commentary for a pretty effective example of this. 

shows someone using a mobile phone with hologram technology

30. Infographic of Data Insights

This B2B blog topic idea presents an engaging infographic that simplifies complex industry data, trends, or statistics into an easy-to-understand format. Consider using reputable sources for your data and ensure the visual design is both clean and engaging to capture attention quickly. Make it shareable on social media, too. 

31. Product Development Updates

Provide your readers with updates on your product development pipeline, particularly if you operate in tech or have long development cycles. Discuss new features, upgrades, or entirely new products that are in the works. Sharing behind-the-scenes insights into your research and development efforts can build anticipation and strengthen customer loyalty. It also offers transparency, keeping your stakeholders informed of progress and showcasing your company’s commitment to innovation.

32. Webinar Recap

If you’ve hosted a webinar recently, create a blog post that summarises the key takeaways for those who couldn’t attend. Include highlights from the discussion, relevant statistics, and any actionable insights shared by the speakers. If possible, embed the webinar recording directly into the post and offer downloadable slides or additional resources. Recaps are an excellent way to extend the life of your webinars and ensure the information reaches a wider audience. You can also consider putting this type of content behind a paywall or lead capture form. Collecting data from potential customers is always vital, and a lead magnet like this is an effective tool.

33. Content Round-Up

Curate a list of valuable content from across the web, focusing on articles, videos, or podcasts relevant to your audience. Include a mix of industry news, how-to guides, and thought leadership pieces. Adding your own commentary to each recommendation can provide extra insight and context, helping your readers understand how the content applies to their business.

34. Guide to Tools & Software

Create a comprehensive guide to your industry’s best tools and software solutions. Break down the pros and cons of each tool, highlighting how they can help businesses streamline operations, improve efficiency, or reduce costs. Whether you’re discussing CRM systems, project management tools, or marketing automation platforms, your readers will appreciate an unbiased overview of their options.

shows a variety of tools on a wooden table

35. Leadership Lessons from Other Industries

Draw parallels between leadership lessons from different industries and your own. For example, lessons in agility from the tech sector might offer insights for the manufacturing industry, or customer-centricity in retail could inspire B2B service companies. By exploring leadership approaches outside of your direct sphere, you can help your readers adopt fresh perspectives.

36. Employee Spotlights

Humanise your brand by featuring a series of blog posts that spotlight your employees. Highlight their professional achievements, day-to-day responsibilities, and personal stories. This B2B blog post idea showcases the talented individuals behind your company and creates a stronger emotional connection with your audience, resulting in up to 94% of customers building a loyal connection with your brand.

37. How to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Offer actionable tips on how businesses in your industry can improve customer satisfaction. Touch on strategies such as implementing feedback loops, investing in better customer service, or personalising the customer experience. Include examples of how successful companies are driving customer satisfaction – including you – and suggest practical steps your readers can implement to achieve similar results.

38. How to Build a B2B Network

Provide a guide to building and nurturing a professional B2B network. Discuss key strategies such as using LinkedIn, attending industry events, and initiating partnerships with complementary businesses. Explain the importance of maintaining relationships over time through regular communication, content sharing, and collaborative projects. Networking is a crucial aspect of B2B success, and your readers will benefit from practical tips in this great B2B blog post topic idea. 

39. Trends in Digital Marketing for B2B

Explore the latest trends in digital marketing, specifically for B2B companies. Dive into topics such as automation, personalisation, and data-driven strategies. Highlight case studies of companies that have successfully adapted these trends to enhance their marketing efforts and drive business growth. Understanding how these trends are evolving can help your audience stay ahead in a rapidly changing digital landscape. And if they follow a trend that proves to have great results, you can bet they’ll be willing to share your article with their wider audience.

40. Adapting to Market Changes

Discuss how businesses can adapt to market changes, whether driven by economic shifts, emerging technologies, or global events. Offer strategies for staying agile, such as regularly revisiting business goals, conducting market research, and investing in innovation. 

41. The Importance of Data-Driven Decision Making

Highlight the growing importance of data-driven decision-making in business, as told by over 96% of business leaders. Explain how companies can collect and analyse relevant data and how using these insights can inform more strategic decisions. Readers will appreciate a clear roadmap on how to incorporate data into their internal processes and have you to thank for their great results.

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42. Content Marketing Tips

Provide practical tips on content marketing for B2B businesses, focusing on topics such as SEO best practices, content distribution, and generating leads through valuable content. Explain how businesses can create a content strategy that aligns with their goals and target audience, and suggest ways to repurpose content across different platforms to maximise its reach. If you need some valuable sources to quote, head to our Big Star blog for a mountain of great content.

43. Cybersecurity for Businesses

Offer an overview of cybersecurity best practices for B2B companies, especially those handling sensitive data. Discuss common threats such as phishing attacks and data breaches, and provide guidance on how businesses can protect themselves. 

44. Supply Chain Optimisation Strategies

Provide insights into the latest strategies for optimising supply chains. Discuss how technologies like AI, blockchain, and predictive analytics can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure timely deliveries. Offer practical advice for businesses looking to streamline their processes, such as adopting just-in-time inventory or diversifying suppliers to mitigate risk. With supply chain challenges becoming more frequent, this B2B blog post idea can offer timely solutions to common industry pain points.

45. SaaS Integration Benefits

Explore the advantages of integrating SaaS (Software as a Service) tools into business operations. Highlight specific tools that address key business functions, such as marketing automation, CRM, and accounting and tell your readers about the tools that you are finding the most effective. 

46. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives

Showcase your company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Highlight how your business contributes to social causes, embraces ethical practices, or reduces its environmental impact. Whether it’s community outreach, sustainable sourcing, or charitable giving, sharing your CSR efforts not only strengthens your brand image but also demonstrates your commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

47. The Impact of AI and Automation

Delve into the impact of AI within your industry. Discuss specific use cases and explore how these technologies are working – or not working that well, as we discover in this blog on AI and content writing.

48. Developing a Successful Sales Funnel

Provide a step-by-step guide to developing and optimising a B2B sales funnel. Focus on the stages of the funnel, from generating awareness to closing deals, and offer actionable tips on nurturing leads through each stage. Include advice on aligning marketing and sales efforts, tracking performance, and using tools to automate follow-ups. A clear, actionable post on this topic will help businesses refine their approach to lead generation and conversion.

49. How to Create a B2B Marketing Budget

Offer practical advice on how businesses can create a comprehensive marketing budget. Discuss key considerations, such as allocating resources for paid advertising, content creation, marketing tools, and analytics. Provide tips on prioritising spending based on business goals and market trends, and include examples of how successful B2B companies structure their budgets. This B2B blog topic idea will be especially valuable to businesses looking to maximise their marketing ROI.

50. The Role of Influencer Marketing in B2B

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While traditionally associated with B2C, influencer marketing is increasingly relevant for B2B brands, especially when working with industry thought leaders or niche experts. Discuss the benefits of partnering with key influencers to amplify your message, build credibility, and build trust within the industry. 

Is your content marketing a whole lot of guess work? Our words are your guide.

– Smart content strategy 
– Focused, on-brand writing
– SEO for growth 

Helpful Tips for Running a Successful B2B Blog

Now that you’ve got a wide range of B2B blog post ideas, here are a few tips for running a B2B blog effectively. This isn’t a comprehensive list, and if you’re looking for a more in-depth guide to blog writing, we recommend heading to our complete guide – it’s free to read. 

1. Maintain a Consistent Posting Frequency

Consistency is key. Aim to publish regularly, whether it’s once a week, biweekly, or monthly. A predictable posting schedule keeps your audience engaged and encourages return visits to your blog.

2. Focus on SEO

Optimising your blog content for search engines is essential to attracting organic traffic. Conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your posts. Use SEO best practices, including meta descriptions, optimising images with alt text, and using internal and external links. If you need a hand creating well-optimised SEO content, give us a shout.

3. Write for Your Target Audience

Always keep your target audience in mind. Tailor your B2B blog content to address their specific pain points, interests, and needs. Avoid overly technical jargon unless you’re certain your audience will understand it. We suggest creating a reliable buyer persona so your blog writing always reaches the right people. 

4. Vary Content-Length

A mix of short and long-form content can cater to different reader preferences. While shorter posts (500-800 words) are great for quick tips or updates, long-form content (1,500-2,500 words) tends to rank better on search engines and can provide more comprehensive insights.

5. Promote Your Blog

Creating great content is only half the battle. To get the most out of your B2B blog, actively promote your posts. Share them across social media channels, include them in email newsletters, and encourage your team to distribute them within their networks. Paid promotion, like LinkedIn ads, can also help get your content in front of the right audience.

6. Encourage Engagement

Don’t just post and forget. Invite readers to comment on your blog, ask questions, and share your posts. Engaging with your audience in the comments section and on social media helps foster a sense of community around your brand.

7. Don’t Forget your Photos

Including visuals such as infographics, charts, and videos can make your posts more engaging and easier to digest. Visual content is often more shareable and can help break up long sections of text, too.

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8. Monitor Analytics

Use tools like Google Analytics to track your blog’s performance. Pay attention to metrics like traffic, time spent on the page, bounce rate, and conversion rate. These insights can help you understand what’s working and what content resonates most with your audience.

9. Repurpose Content

Don’t be afraid to repurpose your content. Turn a well-performing blog post into a podcast episode, an infographic, or a social media campaign. Repurposing helps you extend the lifespan of your content and reach new audiences.

10. Keep Up with Industry Trends

Regularly update your content to reflect new industry trends, tools, and best practices to stay relevant. Evergreen content should also be refreshed as needed to remain useful and accurate.

Our Final Thoughts

A well-maintained B2B blog can serve as a powerful tool for educating your audience, building trust, and driving qualified leads to your business. With the right mix of thought leadership, how-to guides, case studies, and industry insights, your blog can become an indispensable resource for your clients and prospects.

Struggling to keep up with the demands of content creation? Let Big Star help. Our team of experienced writers can craft high-quality blog posts that resonate with your target audience and boost your online presence, coupled with sensible SEO and content strategies to grow your traffic and increase your leads. Contact us today to learn how we can support your content marketing efforts.

By incorporating these ideas and tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating an engaging and successful B2B blog that attracts visitors and helps convert them into loyal customers. Do you have a business-to-business blog post idea that we haven’t included on this list? Please drop it in the comments below.

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