Big Star Copywriting

5 Must-Know Tips for a killer Digital Marketing Plan

Shows a crowd of people - How to create a digital marketing plan

Digital marketing is a big old word. It’s also a word that’s thrown around a lot in this industry. And with many of its iterations, we seem to be losing the essence of what digital marketing is. By definition, digital marketing refers to a marketing campaign that appears on an electronic device – a phone, computer, […]

How Accurate is AI Copywriting in 2023? Our Thoughts

Since ChatGPT took the internet by storm late last year, AI has been the word on everybody’s lips and has divided the industry. While many marketers have run full force into embracing artificial intelligence’s possibilities, others are cautiously wondering what the fuss is about. And then there are the few who fear the rise of […]

Copywriting 101: Back to Basics Copywriting for Beginners

Copywriting for beginners - Shows a skyscraper in construction

#Copywriting has over 306 million views on TikTok, and a large majority of the tagged videos dub copywriting as the next big side hustle that is set to make you thousands. With a want to break away from the 9-5, creators on the video-sharing app note that copywriting is an easy way to increase your […]

20 Examples of Marketing Campaigns That Were a Big Hit in 2022

Marketing campaign examples from 2022 - Shows New York's Time Square

A good marketing campaign can make or break a brand. Some will get consumers talking for years to come, others will fall flat, and there will be the few that miss the mark entirely, leaving customers wondering, “wtf was that?” Last year we saw it all, including the latter (Balenciaga, I’m looking at you). But […]

20 essential skills every copywriter must have

Essential copywriting skills - Shows a crowd at a seminar

Copywriting is an underrated art. Nearly anyone can string a few words together to create a sentence. And sometimes a sentence is all you need to effectively convey a message. But not everyone can craft a sentence that packs a punch; or one that will draw in your reader, keep them engaged and prompt them […]

How to write an instructional blog post

How to write an instructional how to blog post

An instructional blog post is one of the most straightforward blog posts to master. And that is because it is your chance to write about something you know how to do well; it’s an opportunity to flex your expertise and build your authority in your chosen niche. But even if you know what to say, […]

5 great duplicate content checkers

Duplicate content checkers - Shows a magnifying glass looking at a city

Duplicate content is an SEO no-no. It confuses search engines, leaving them unable to figure out which pages to prioritise in the rankings. It’s likely to deter potential customers as well. If a quick Google search results in pages and pages of very similar or the same content, you’d be pretty frustrated too. But there […]

How to write the perfect case study

How to write a case study - Shows a button on a keyboard

We, as consumers, turn to our peers before making a purchasing decision. Whether we ask our friends or family if they’ve tried a product we are tempted to buy or look at online reviews to see if a service is worthwhile, what other people say about something is important. 82% of consumers read online reviews […]

How to write a call to action the right way (with examples)

How to write a call to action - with examples - Shows a scrabble board

Your call to action can make or break the success of your content marketing. And really, that’s a no-brainer – how can you expect consistent conversions when you don’t effectively tell potential customers to take action? But despite this, 70% of small business websites lack a call to action, and if you fall into this […]

How to devise the perfect blogging marketing strategy for your brand

Blogging marketing strategy - Shows a person using Wordpress to create a blog post

Blogging is a top inbound marketing priority for 55% of content marketers. But creating a blogging strategy that delivers results is easier said than done. Too many people think blogging is an easy thing to do. Yes, a blog can cover pretty much anything you like – but a blog that holds any substance needs […]

Funny Copywriting Examples – How to use humour in your writing

Funny copywriting examples - Shows a microphone on a stage

Humour is a fantastic marketing tool; it’s a great way to connect with your audience and build a loyal customer base who buy into your brand’s personality. Despite Claude Hopkin’s well-known advice that brands should avoid humour (as he writes in his book Scientific Advertising,) businesses that use humour well can see positive results. However, […]

Why you need a guest blogging strategy and how to do it

Guest blogging strategy - Shows a speaker at an event

There’s an age-old marketing debate around the importance of guest blogging. There are those who think a guest blogging strategy is a waste of time and resources. Then there are those who think it’s an important element of your content marketing strategy. Here at Big Star, we fall into the latter, alongside the 50% of […]

UX Copywriting – What is it and why does it matter?

UX Copywriting - Shows a set of dice

What is UI or UX copywriting and why does it matter? User experience (UX) or User Interface (UI) copywriting is essential to any business that builds its brand online. A good user experience will help more people navigate your website and create those all-important sales. In this blog, we’re going to dig deep into UX/UI […]

How to keep producing content during the summer

Summer content planning

Summer is a great time to plan out content for the end of the year. While Black Friday and Christmas might seem months away, they will come around fast and summer gives you the chance to get ahead – even if your staff are on holiday.  We’re going to take you through how to keep […]

5 Creative Prompts to Help You with Corporate Copywriting

Corporate copywriting examples - Shows a modern office building

Corporate copywriting is synonymous with dry, heavy writing that’s free from any personality or brand flair. In fact, corporate copywriting often face ridicule in the face of conversational copy that engages the reader and tells a compelling story. Yet, when it’s done well, corporate copywriting can establish your authority and brand position to attract the […]

What is branded content and why is it an effective marketing strategy?

Branded content - Shows city skyscrapers from above

In an extremely competitive market, there is an increased need for brands and businesses to stand out, connect with their audiences and build customer loyalty. Branded content marketing is a great tool to help do this. It’s the best vehicle for marketers to bridge the gap between awareness and affinity, says the Content Marketing Institute. […]

How to create the perfect social media marketing plan

Social media marketing plan - Shows friends taking a photo

If you want to harness social media as part of your content marketing strategy then you need to create the perfect social media marketing plan. Social media platforms develop and change at speed making it difficult for brands to keep up. In this blog, we’re going to walk you through everything you need to consider […]

Our catalogue copywriting guide – How to improve your catalogue sales copy

Catalogue copywriting guide - Shows an open catalogue

Are print catalogues still relevant in 2022? Despite the rise of e-commerce, there is still a need for catalogues. Catalogues have the potential to showcase trends, show the products in action and importantly, break through the digital noise. Catalogues have a longer lifespan than marketing emails. For brands you love, flicking through their catalogue can […]

How to conduct a copywriting audit for your website

Copywriting audit - Shows two people discussing strategy

You’ve got a good website, your design is clean, and easy to navigate. Yet, you’re not getting much website traffic and, when you do, it’s not leading to the sales you want. It’s time to conduct a copywriting audit for your website and get it working for your business. Your website is the equivalent shop […]

How to find a copywriter for your business

how to choose a copywriter - Shows silhouettes of people on a hill

Investing in your content marketing should be a priority for 2022. And why? It offers an impressive ROI with up to 6x more website conversions, it is crucial for a solid sales funnel, and when done right, it’s virtually guaranteed to improve your search ranking. For 14 more reasons why read this blog. But now […]

Effective copywriting examples: bring your website to life

Website copywriting examples - Looking up at a skyscraper

There are precise requirements for good SEO copywriting and, in an omnichannel world, the importance of brand consistency across all your platforms is something that must not be overlooked. Well-written and perfectly executed website copy will enable you to capture leads, grab the attention of your target audience, and grow your loyal customer base. But […]

How to write an executive summary

How to write an executive summary - Shows Scrabble letters spelling 'summary'

Struggling to find the words for your executive summary? Don’t sweat – it can be one of the hardest parts of any business document to get right. We’ve got it covered – here is our detailed guide on how to write an executive summary. But first, what is an executive summary? HubSpot defines an executive […]

How to write a blog post quickly and effectively

How to write a blog post - Shows a inspirational quote sign

Are you making the most of your site’s blog? Or is blogging often left off your content marketing strategy? You’re missing a trick if you said yes to the latter. And why? Marketers who use blogs generate 67% more leads than those who don’t. Those are crazy results that you NEED to be making the […]

What is website meta data? Everything you need to know

Website meta data - Shows meta data code on a laptop

If you’ve read any of our blog posts concerning SEO or website copywriting, you’ll have probably stumbled across the term ‘website meta data’ before. If you work in any aspect of digital marketing, you probably already know that it’s a vital component of any SEO strategy – but what exactly is meta data when it […]

How to perform a website content audit

Website content audit - Shows a man reviewing a report

Your website content is everything. From forming first impressions of your business to influencing your existing customers’ buying decisions, your website content has the power to turn passing traffic to loyal customers who are invested in your brand. But your website content needs to be updated and maintained regularly to achieve your content marketing goals […]

Writing copy for new websites – Our content checklist

Writing copy for new websites - Shows a woman typing on a laptop

Your website is your storefront for the world and one of the best sales tools your company can use. First impressions are everything. You need to be sure your site creates the right impact on the potential customer. As well as an attractive and user-friendly design and layout, writing compelling website copy is integral to […]

Why brand storytelling is important

Brand storytelling - Shows a 'what's your story' LED sign

Can you think of a brand you absolutely love? For me, Innocent immediately comes to mind. Even though they’re now a mature brand with a well-established presence, I still find myself talking about them, celebrating their marketing wins and investing myself into their mission like I have personal shares in the company. They’ve become a […]