Big Star Copywriting

The Different Types of Blogging – What will be Popular in 2024?

Out of 1.9 billion websites in the world, there are more than 600 million blogs. You can find an answer to almost everything online – and most of the time, Google will lead you to a branded blog. Each blog is home to countless thoughts, opinions and bites of wisdom. Blogs are undefeated in the ranks of best content marketing tools, and everyone should have one. They work; they build brand loyalty, flex your expertise, and boost conversions. But there are also different types of blogs, and every year blogging trends come and go. This blog will look at the various types of blogging, blog posts and blog trends popular in 2024.

What is a blog? 

Blogs are everywhere; even if you’re not entirely sure what a blog is, the likelihood is that you’ve read more than a few in your time. Heading to BBC Good Food to search for a classic Victoria Sponge Cake recipe – that’s a blog. Navigating the latest content marketing trends on the CMI – that’s a blog. And if you couldn’t guess, this article you’re reading right now is a blog, too.

The creation of the blog is credited to a guy called Justin Hall. In 1994, Swarthmore College students created Links.Net, a personal homepage allowing users to write and publish personal content. But it wasn’t called a blog back then; it wasn’t until 1999 that programmer Peter Merholz coined that term.

Today, blogs aren’t just used for personal use. Businesses jumped on the blogging train to fulfil business needs by explaining specific topics to their customers, sharing opinions, and talking about their brands in more depth. If your site doesn’t have a blog, it’s time you changed that. Blogging gets results, and nearly thirty years later, it’s still relevant.

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The importance of blogging 

We could talk about this all day. Blogging can be crucial for your brand’s marketing and your site’s SEO.

According to the CMI, 90% of businesses used blogs to help market their products in 2022. But why? If you are unsure that blogging is going to be worth your time, here are five stats that are likely to change your mind:

  • Looking to boost your domain authority? Websites with a blog are shown to have 434% more indexed pages.
  • Businesses that blog experience twice as much traffic as businesses that don’t.
  • Almost half of all internet users take the opinions of bloggers and vloggers into account.
  • Blogging can help your website get up to 55% more traffic

Pushing customers away with boring content? Our blogs are the real deal

Why should you blog?

Despite these pretty great marketing stats, the real question is: should you start blogging? While we will immediately answer with a defiant ‘Yes – because you NEED to’, it is vital to recognise that – to be a successful blogger – you must have a clear (and ideally measurable) goal before sharing content online. The type of blog content you choose to publish will depend on what you want to achieve.

  1. If you want to establish authority and expertise, blogging allows you to share your knowledge and insights, positioning your brand as an authority in your field. By providing valuable, informative content, you build trust with your audience, making them more likely to turn to you for advice and solutions. Content that can achieve this goal includes:
    1. How-to guides and tutorials
    2. Industry analysis and trends
    3. Expert interviews
  1. To enhance your site’s SEO and increase website traffic, regularly updated blogs with relevant keywords can significantly boost your website’s search engine rankings. This increased visibility helps attract more organic traffic, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. Content that can achieve this goal includes:
  1. Listicles
  2. SEO-optimised articles
  3. Long-form resource guides
  1. If you want to engage and build relationships with your audience, a blog provides a platform to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Through comments, social shares, and discussions, you can foster a community around your brand, enhancing customer loyalty and engagement. Content that can achieve this goal includes:
    1. Q&A sessions & Ask-Me-Anything write-ups
    2. Community spotlights
    3. Personal stories and behind-the-scenes
  1. If you want to showcase your brand’s personality, blogging gives your brand a voice. It’s an opportunity to showcase your values, culture, and personality, making your brand more relatable and memorable to your audience. Content that can achieve this goal includes:
    1. Opinion pieces and editorials
    2. Employee spotlights
    3. Creative content (infographics, videos, etc)
  1. If you want to drive lead generation and sales, high-quality content can attract and convert readers into leads. By including calls-to-action (CTAs) and lead magnets in your blog posts, you can effectively guide readers through the sales funnel, increasing the chances of converting them into customers.
    1. Case studies and success stories
    2. Product reviews and demos
    3. Lead magnets and downloadable content
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These content types just scratch the surface of the different types of blogging and blog posts a brand can pursue. We’ll look at these different types of blog posts later on in this blog post, but it’s important to zoom out ever-so-slightly and look at where these content types fit into the overall blogging scene. 

The different types of blogging

Every blog published on the internet will exist to serve a purpose, from boosting sales or gaining exposure to community building or a place to share expertise. Because of this, there are different types of blogs a brand can tap into and make the most of as part of its content marketing strategy. These are a few of our favourites, and the most important…

Personal Blogs

The classic founding member of the blog family, personal blogs do what they say on the tin. Usually, a simple website or a personal blog is a place to write what you feel like, figure out your voice and express your opinions on specific topics or interests. There’s no crazy care about reaching big audiences or selling a product – personal blogging is rooted in enjoyment, entertainment and escapism.

When does a personal blog work well?

Personal blogs are excellent for individuals who want to share their experiences, thoughts, and opinions. They work well when the goal is to build a personal brand, connect on an individual level with an audience, or document life events and journeys.

Creating an effective personal blog strategy

  • Be authentic: share your true thoughts and experiences. Authenticity builds trust and relatability.
  • Engage with your audience: respond to comments and engage with your readers on social media to foster a community.
  • Consistency is vital: regularly update your blog to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  • Find your niche: while it’s a personal blog, focusing on specific topics (e.g., travel, lifestyle, health) can help attract a dedicated audience.
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Business Blogs

Blogs are useful, meaningful and sometimes critical for business. They drive SEO success, helping to improve search engine rankings and increase traffic to your site. Business blogs allow brands to express their expertise by writing quality content that aligns with their values, goals and niche. Having a strong blog gives your brand voice authority, and customers are more likely to trust your products or services.

When does a business bog work well?

Business blogs are ideal for companies looking to increase their visibility, engage with customers, and showcase their expertise. They work well for driving traffic, generating leads, and building brand authority.

Creating an effective business blog strategy

  • Know your audience: understand your target audience’s needs and interests to tailor your content effectively.
  • Seo optimisation: incorporate relevant keywords to improve your blog’s visibility on search engines.
  • Content variety: mix different types of blog content such as how-tos, case studies, and industry news to keep your audience engaged.
  • Call to action: include clear CTAs to guide readers towards desired actions, such as subscribing to a newsletter or contacting your sales team.
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Niche Blogs

Choosing a good niche can drive blogging success. A niche is a specific area or specialism that determines your blog’s content. When creating a niche blog, you’ll want to produce high-quality, authoritative blogs that discuss and comment on trending topics. A good niche will ensure your blog content is consistent, on brand, and easy for visitors to figure out what your blog is about. 

When to niche and when not to niche?

Niche blogs focus on a specific topic or audience, such as travel, fitness, fashion, or tech reviews. They work well for establishing authority in a particular field and attracting a dedicated, engaged audience.

Creating an effective strategy for a blog with a clear niche

  • Deep dive into topics: provide in-depth, high-quality content that thoroughly covers niche topics.
  • Community building: engage with niche communities through comments, social media, and collaborations with other niche bloggers.
  • Monetisation strategies: consider monetising through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling niche-related products or services.
  • Stay updated: keep up with the latest trends and developments in your niche to provide timely and relevant content.
a wooden pallet and plant with the words FIND YOUR NICHE

News Blogs 

News blogs are intense to maintain because they require a considerable infusion of original content multiple times a day. If you’re reporting on news, you must also do so professionally, accurately and legally. If you publish something that doesn’t align with UK media law or IPSO regulations, you could be held responsible and potentially face legal action. If you’re creating a news blog for fun, I’d preface every blog post with a disclaimer and try not to make any assumptions about news stories if you’re unsure of the accuracy.

When do news blogs work well?

News blogs are perfect for delivering timely updates on current events, industry news, or specialised sectors. They attract readers who want the latest information and establish a blog as a go-to source for news.

Creating an effective news blog strategy

  • Timeliness: publish content promptly to keep up with breaking news and current events.
  • Credibility: ensure accuracy and reliability by sourcing information from reputable sources and fact-checking.
  • Engaging headlines: craft compelling headlines to attract readers’ attention and encourage clicks.
  • Multimedia integration: use images, videos, and infographics to enhance your news stories and make them more engaging.
shows a news headline

Multimedia Blogs

Blogs don’t have to be restricted to long paragraphs of text. In fact, in 2024, more businesses are expected to add different forms of media as an additional feature to their traditional blogs. Video content is set to continue to increase in popularity alongside podcasts and branded infographics. Incorporating multimedia into your blogs will likely keep visitors hooked for longer, increase time spent on your site, and influence purchasing decisions.

Are multimedia blogs for you?

Multimedia blogs use various forms of media, such as videos, podcasts, infographics, and photos. They work well for audiences who prefer visual and auditory content over text-based posts.

Creating an effective multimedia blog strategy

  • Diverse content: mixes different media types to cater to various audience preferences.
  • High-quality production: invest in good-quality equipment and editing software to ensure your multimedia content is professional and polished.
  • Seo for multimedia: optimise video descriptions, tags, and transcripts to improve search engine visibility.
  • Interactive elements: incorporate interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and comment sections to engage your audience.
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Combining the different types of blogging

There may be multiple different types of blogging, but that doesn’t mean you have to only pick one. It’s all swings and roundabouts. You can have a personal blog that uses different forms of media as much as your business blog can have a strong, recognisable niche. You must take steps to create content and write blogs that your visitors want to consume – that’s what’s going to strike gold. And you’re in luck – here are a few consumer predictions of what is likely to encourage success in 2024:

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Successful blogging in 2024

  • Interactive Content: This may be more of a design feature than a copywriting task, but either way, it’s good to have this on your radar. Interactive content allows users to engage with a blog in a way that exceeds only reading it. It’s fun and engaging and offers an experience that will set you apart from the masses. Examples of interactive content include quizzes, pop-ups, or puzzles.
  • Video content: Short-form video content has the highest return on investment compared to other types of content. It also has a whole host of trends brands can join in with. According to ClearVoice, 86% of marketers say video is more important to their business in 2024 than last year – are you one of them?
  • Original Data: Providing evidence to back up the things you say in your blog is essential. People love proof; it enforces authority and builds customer trust. But in 2024, you can take this to the next level by researching original data. Perform your own studies and consumer reports to generate stats that are highly relevant to your customer base. It will pay off.
  • Mobile-first priorities: Mobile-first formatting for your blog (and your whole website) is a trend we will see again this year. If you’re on the go, commuting or travelling, or just grabbing a coffee with a friend, if the need for Googling a question arises, you’re reaching for your phone to do so. It’s a no-brainer. If you have a poor mobile-optimised design, you will lose traffic to your site.
  • Legitimate Value: This may be obvious, but like any area of content marketing, in 2024, you must be producing and publishing content with legitimate value. Give consumers a reason to want to stick around and read what you’ve got to say: be insightful, educational, and opinionated. By providing valuable chunks of well-written wisdom, you can guarantee they’ll come back for more.
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Creating different types of content for your blog: The different types of blog post

A blog isn’t a few slap-dash paragraphs composed in the last minutes of a working week. Instead, a blog is a well-thought-out compilation of ideas and explanations structured into a meaningful, user-friendly list. And this approach can be categorised into a few different types of blog posts. You’ll already be familiar with a few of these from earlier – here are our top twelve. 

1. How-To Guides and Tutorials

This type of blog post is ideal for topics where your audience needs actionable tips or skills. Great for beginner-level content or when you want to showcase your expertise.

2. Listicles 

Perfect for summarising information, providing quick tips, or creating content that’s easy to skim. Use when you want to engage readers with concise, digestible content.

3. Industry Analysis and Trend Reports 

Best for positioning your brand as an industry leader. Use when you want to provide valuable insights, showcase thought leadership, or discuss emerging trends.

4. Case Studies and Success Stories 

This type of blog post is effective for demonstrating the impact of your product or service. Use when you want to build credibility and showcase real-world applications of your offerings.

5. Expert Interviews 

Great for adding credibility and variety to your content. Use when you want to provide unique insights, interview thought leaders, or explore topics from different viewpoints.

6. Opinion Pieces and Editorials 

Ideal for sparking discussions, sharing your viewpoint, or addressing controversial topics. Use this type of blog post when you want to engage readers with your brand’s stance or provoke thought.

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7. Product Reviews and Demos 

Perfect for introducing new products or services. Use when you want to provide in-depth reviews, show how your product works, or highlight its benefits and unique features.

8. Q&A Sessions and AMA (Ask Me Anything) 

Great for building engagement and addressing common questions. Use when you want to connect with your audience, clarify doubts, or create a sense of community.

9. Personal Stories and Behind-the-Scenes 

Ideal for humanising your brand and building emotional connections. Use to share your journey, showcase your team, or give readers a glimpse into your brand’s day-to-day.

10. Guest Posts and Collaborations 

Effective for expanding your reach and providing different viewpoints. Use when you want to collaborate with industry experts, tap into new audiences, or enrich your content with guest insights.

11. Resource Lists and Roundups 

Perfect for aggregating helpful information and providing value to your readers. Use when compiling lists of tools, resources, or top articles on a specific topic.

12. Infographics and Visual Content

Ideal for presenting complex information in a digestible format. Use when you want to make data or concepts more engaging and easier to understand.

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Quick tips for effective blog writing

1. Understand who your target readers are. Tailor your content to address their needs, interests, and pain points to ensure it resonates with them.

2. Select a user-friendly blogging platform that suits your needs. Popular options include WordPress, Blogger, and Medium. Ensure it’s easy to navigate and integrates well with your website.

3. Plan your content around relevant topics, keywords, and trends in your industry. Create a content calendar to maintain consistency and keep your blog organised.

4. Focus on producing well-researched, engaging, and original content. Use a mix of formats, such as how-tos, listicles, interviews, and case studies, to keep your blog diverse and interesting.

5. Incorporate SEO best practices, including keyword research, meta descriptions, and internal linking. This helps improve your blog’s visibility on search engines.

6. Share your posts on social media, through email newsletters, and on other relevant platforms. Encourage readers to share your content to increase its reach and attract more visitors.

7. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and engage in discussions. Building relationships with your readers can enhance loyalty and foster a sense of community around your blog.

For a complete, in-depth guide that dots the Is and crosses the Ts of the entire blogging process, read our Ultimate Guide to Blog Writing

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Writing successful blogs in 2024

If you’re staring at your screen thinking, ‘Wow, this isn’t as easy as I first thought!’ then we’re here to help. With all the different types of blogging and new and emerging trends to explore, blogging can feel overwhelming – especially when, at the heart of it, a successful blog relies on high-quality, written content. But thankfully, you’re in the right place.

Our blog writing service provides regular, optimised content that increases social media engagement, improves search engine ranking, and drives sales. Want to find out more? Contact us.

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