How to Make Your Food Copywriting Tastier

As an online food retail business, you probably spend a long time either creating your own products to make them as mouth-wateringly delicious as they can be, or assembling the kind of product ranges that culinary dreams are made of. And that’s great, but people can’t taste your products through the screen, and unless they’ve sampled them before they really don’t know what they taste like or why they should buy them. For that reason, it really is critical that you invest in product descriptions which are every bit as tasty as the products themselves.
Jamie Oliver’s brand story deconstructed

Jamie Oliver’s cookbook 5 Ingredients has recently made it onto the shortlist of titles for the British Book Awards. The self-styled cheeky chirpy Essex lad has secured his seat at the publishing top table alongside authors including JK Rowling and Philip Pullman. But his stellar performance in publishing is literally just one chapter in the […]