Big Star Copywriting

Content Now Blog

Content strategy, digital marketing insights and industry trends

Whole sit-com episodes, movies, books and other franchises have been dedicated to women and shopping, none (or at least very few) to men and shopping. However, do the stereotypes hold…
Derryck | August 4, 2016
We’re always very interested to know how our work has gone down…
Derryck | July 6, 2016
Sealing the deal: E-commerce copywriting and the perfect checkout page So you’ve…
Derryck | April 30, 2015
We’ve been looking at duplicate content a lot recently, and while it’s…
Derryck | February 19, 2015
There’s no denying the fact that there’s a lot of content on…
Derryck | February 4, 2015
Words have the power to inform, entertain and persuade. But the words…
Derryck | October 16, 2014
by Steve Kellas If you have ever been to one of my…
Derryck | July 16, 2012
When I started my career as a copywriter, I received all sorts…
Derryck | January 16, 2012
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